SWR-TX-001 Texas Wing
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The Texas Wing Legal Office provides professional legal support and advice to the wing commander and other subordinate units on a variety of issues, including, but not limited to rendering legal advice and opinions regarding CAP activities, assisting safety officers in conducting safety investigations as directed by their commander, investigating complaints under the direction of their commanders, conducting legal reviews of adverse personnel actions, and educating members and leaders about the law and related matters as consistent with CAP’s corporate missions, goals, and objectives.


The Texas Wing Legal Officer and Assistant Legal Officers do not provide legal advice or representation to individual members of the Texas Wing, Civil Air Patrol.  Their client is the Civil Air Patrol, acting through the Wing Commander, and cannot establish an attorney-client relationship with any other subordinate commander or individual member with relation to their advice and counsel rendered through their service in the CAP Legal Officer Corps.


Subordinate commanders are reminded that all contracts, agreements, leases, and any other document purporting to bind Civil Air Patrol or any subordinate unit must be executed by NHQ and not any subordinate command.  Forward any such document through the chain of command for execution.

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