Recruiting & Retention
In order for Civil Air Patrol, or any volunteer organization, to develop and maintain a strong membership base and a well qualified, trained, and experienced force of volunteers, it must rely on the good will and understanding of its prospective, active and inactive members, in addition to the public. The recruiting and retention program includes activities designed to make the Civil Air Patrol missions and activities attractive to the public and Civil Air Patrol’s current membership. The overall goal is to persuade and ensure that membership in Civil Air Patrol is worthy of the prospective, active, and inactive member’s time and commitment. Recruiting and retention could best be described as human resources, salesmanship, and career development counseling. While every member of Civil Air Patrol is charged with the responsibility as a recruiter, appointed recruiting and retention officers carry the additional responsibility of full-time active pursuit of finding and retaining qualified individuals to fill the needs of the unit and the organization.