SWR-TX-001 Texas Wing
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(AE) Notebook

Aerospace Education Notebook

Aerospace Education Officers (AEOs) are required to maintain an AE Notebook.  Digital copies are preferred IAW CAPP 50-1 page 15.  The Wing Notebook may be used by subordinate units as a reference or used, supplemented with unit specific information

Contact Us

If you have questions you need answered, please reach out to us via email. (ae@txwg.CAP.gov)  Have you joined our Slack?  We have a great conversation and cross talk of lesson sharing, idea sharing, and developed a professional learning network (PLN). Cadet Programs Officers as well as Aerospace Education Officers are invited.  If you need an invite link please reach out through email.  

Appointment of AEOs

  1. AEOs are appointed to the the Aerospace Education Officer (or Assistant) by the unit commander.
  2. AEOs should also be awarded the Specialty Track of Aerospace Education None upon appointment by the Commander or Education and Training Officer.

Aerospace Education Specialty Track

  1. AEOs should be appointed to the AEO Specialty Track of None by the Education and Training Officer or Unit Commander upon appointment to as an AEO.
  2. All Cadet Program Officers, would benefit from the AE Specialty Track Information and are encouraged to enroll in the AE Specialty Track.

AE/STEM Programs and Products

  1. STEM Kits Available for Selection
  2. STEM Kits may be ordered by AEOs, CAP Members who are educators, and AEMs.
    1. To order a STEM Kit:
      1. Login to EServices>Aerosapce Education>CAP STEM Kit
      2. Click the Blue "Apply for a STEM Kit" Button
      3. Select your category and the rest of the form.
      4. You may order one STEM kit per unit or category at a time.  
      5. Once you complete the evaluation for the kit, you will be able to order another kit immediately.
      6. ***Evaluations require pre-test/post-test data.  Make sure you check the evaluation requirements before starting the STEM Kit.***
  3. STEM Kit Lesson Plans can be found through Online Learning in AXIS.
  4. Aerospace Education Downloadable E-Books
  5. Aerospace Education Hard Copy Book Orders
  6. Aerospace Education Videos

Aerospace Education Excellence (AEX) Award

  1. AEX is described in detail in CAPP 50-1 (See link below).  
  2. AEX is open to all AEMs, AEOs, and CAP Members who are educators.
  3. To qualify, the unit or class will complete six aerospace or cyberspace centered activities with one two (2) hour activity.
  4. To apply for AEX:
    1. Login to EServices>Aerospace Education>AEX
    2. Click Apply for AEX, complete the electronic form and click submit.
  5. To complete the program
    1. Login to EServices>Aerospace Education>AEX
    2. Click AEX Award Report
    3. Complete the log for all the activities.
    4. You can log one activity at a time by clicking save.  The reports will appear at the top of the form as "Incomplete Reports"
    5. Once all activities are completed, fill in the number of awards and click submit.

AEMs, ACE, and TOP Flight

  1. Aerospace Education Members
  2. Aerospace Connections in Education
  3. Teacher Orientation Program Flights

AE Awards

  1. AE Awards are Detailed in Chapter 9 of CAPR 50-1
  2. Some of the awards are highlighted on National's Website

Budget, Grants, and Funding

  1. Budgets and Funding should be discussed with your unit Commander and Finance Committee.  There isn't much you can get in real trouble with... except money.  Make sure to always consult the money experts before committing any funds, signing any contracts, or doing anything with money.
  2. Grants:
    1. Grants for CAP Educator Members
    2. Air Force Association Grant
    3. CAP Member Grants and Scholarships
    4. Flite Test Grant for Remote Control Aircraft (Not endorsed by Civil Air Patrol)
    5. STEM Grants Consolidated Page (Not endorsed by Civil Air Patrol)
    6. If you know of additional grants, please send an email with links.

AE Plan of Action (POA)

  1. The AE Plan of Action is no longer a requirement for subordinate units.  The DAE will submit an AE POA NLT 30 November.
  2. Subordinate units may be requested to provide information to complete the wing report. 

AE Activity Report

  1. The AE Activity Report can be completed in EServices>Aerospace Education>AE POA and Activity Report

    1. Click the Red "AE POA and Activity Report" at the top then click Unit (or appropriate level) AE Activity Report.

    2. Select the correct fiscal year.

    3. Choose your unit.

    4. Complete the questions.

    5. You must upload a document for "Above and Beyond."  This can be a blank pdf if you have nothing to add, but there must be something.

  2. Report Due Dates:

    1. Squadron AE Activity Reports are due to Groups NLT 30 Oct

    2. Group Reports are due to Wing NLT 30 Nov.

    3. Wing Reports are due to Region NLT 31 Dec.

    4. Region Reports are due to National NLT 28 Feb.

Inspection Preparation

  1. A-1 Aerospace Education Inspection Worksheet


  1. CAPP 50-1 Aerospace Education Officer Handbook
  2. CAPP 50-2 Aerospace Education Specialty Track Study Guide
  3. CAPR 50-1 Aerospace Education Mission
  4. CAPR 60-1 Cadet Program Management
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