SWR-TX-001 Texas Wing
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Cadet Staff Descriptions

Cadet Staff Position Descriptions

Cadet Commander (C/CC)

The C/CC is responsible for the implementation and conduct of the encampment program. The C/CC reports directly to the Commandant of Cadets and the Encampment Commander.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Provides focus and direction to the cadet staff and ensures proper implementation of the encampment program
• Selects the cadet staff for the encampment, with the approval of the Commandant and Commander
• Conducts staff meetings as needed with some or all staff
• Adheres to the established cadet training schedule
• Maintains consistency of training standards in the encampment program
• Serves as a role model for the cadet staff
• Provides an appropriate forum for feedback of the encampment program
• Provides counseling when appropriate
• Fosters cohesiveness, teamwork, and unity of purpose within the cadet staff
• Ensures the cadet staff updates continuity documents and SOPs
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Deputy Commander (C/DC)

The C/DC is the right hand of the C/CC, aiding them with encampment site preparation, staff decisions, supervision, and other tasks assigned to them. The C/DC is primarily responsible for the line or operations side of the house. C/Sqdn CCs report to the C/DC and keep them up to date on anything going on within the ranks of the flights. The C/DC reports to the C/CC and is in command when the C/CC is not present.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Assists in providing quality training of all the C/Sqdn CCs, C/Flt CCs, C/1st Sgts, and C/Flt Sgts at the encampment
• Complies with the established encampment academic, physical fitness, and training programs
• Supports the C/CC in their duties, filling in where needed
• Coordinates with DoT to determine drill training and knowledge requirements  for each day per the training syllabus
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Executive Officer (C/XO)

The C/XO is responsible for coordinating, controlling, and directing the support activities of the encampment. The C/XO manages and leads the Support OICs. The C/XO reports to the C/CC but is mentored by and works closely with the Senior Executive Officer.

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Ensures quality training of all support staff
• Assists the OICs to manage their departments and develop as leaders
• Supervises and evaluates the OICs of each department, ensuring coordination, proper conduct, and progress in work
• Motivates the support staff
• Coordinates with the OICs to prevent and handle any conflicts
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Director of Training (DoT)

The DoT is responsible for developing the training schedule before the encampment, making any changes along the way if necessary, and coordinating with SET and line staff. The DoT can be assisted by SET in the development of the encampments training requirements.  The DoT reports to the C/CC.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Assists the Commandant of Cadets and Encampment Commander in developing the training schedule for encampment, ensuring that all requirements per CAPP 60-70 are met
• Monitors progress towards completion of requirements
• Ensures distribution of the training schedule
• Coordinates with command staff to set times for wake up, formations, lights out, and personal time
• Coordinates the use of instructors as needed
• Develops curriculum and training syllabus as needed
• Ensures all necessary materials are available for classes in coordination with the Logistics OIC
• Meets daily with the Cadet Commander and Commandant of Cadets
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Safety Officer (C/SO)

The C/SO is responsible for the Safety Program at the encampment. They will plan and execute all safety briefings and review all ORMs and add to them as needed. The C/SO reports to the C/CC but is mentored by and works closely with the Senior Safety Officer.

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Analyzes current Operational Risk Management (ORMs) and develops new ORMs as needed
• Plans and prepares the daily safety briefings for flights and all departments
• Plans and executes fire drill briefings
• Coordinates with Senior Safety concerning the flags related to heat indices or wind chills and communicates this to ALL staff members
• Reports mishaps via CAPF 78 through CAPSIS in eServices with Senior Safety
• Reports daily to the C/CC
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Standardization and Evaluation Team Commander (SET CC)

The SET CC plans, standardizes, and performs all aspects of encampment evaluation. They are the commander's representatives while conducting inspections. The SET is the central point for all inspection related questions. It is not the role of SET to teach or train the cadets, but to evaluate them in relation to the standard and provide support to the staff that is doing the teaching and training. The SET CC reports to the C/CC.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Sets encampment uniform inspection and barracks standards through the Standard Operating Instructions (SOI)
• Acts as a focal point and resource for all uniform, knowledge, drill, and barracks related questions
• Upholds the highest standard of uniform wear, barracks arrangement, and customs and courtesies
• Updates and implements the positive scoring system for inspections
• Updates inspection forms for daily use
• Coordinates with the C/DC to develop daily knowledge requirements for distribution to the flight staff
• Coordinates with the C/DC to develop daily drill requirements, which will be used for drill competition
• Provides briefing for staff on barracks standardization
• Meets daily with C/CC and C/DC to keep them informed of the training progress of the students and flights
• Performs inspections during each training day of barracks rooms
• Sets expectations with a mock inspection demonstration within the first day of encampment, explains what the cadets should look for, and common mistakes
• Informs the C/DC and C/DC of the daily honor and warrior flights as well as order for chow
• Discusses with flight staff how they did in inspections, what kinds of mistakes were made, and how they can improve
• Ensures that communication flows from the SET to ALL relevant members of staff in a timely manner
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Instructor 

The Cadet Instructor will work with the DoT to assign classes evenly throughout the instructors. The instructors will prepare classes (not all death by PowerPoint) for the encampment. The Instructors will report to the DoT.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Helps DoT ensure all required hours and classes are met on the schedule
• Divides classes evenly amongst each other or in pairs
• Ensures all materials for classes requested prior to arrival at encampment
• Ensures classes are set up to meet your needs and you have all materials needed prior the start of the class including a projector if needed
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Command Chief (C/CCM)

The C/CCM is responsible for ensuring that all cadet staff NCOs of the encampment are familiar with their duties and responsibilities. The C/CCM reports to the C/CC, representing the interests of both the line and support staff NCOs, as a member of the executive staff.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Sets and reinforces the ideals and performance of the NCO
• Monitors the physical fitness program
• Provides feedback to the C/CC regarding the NCOs' performance
• Provides feedback and counsel to the First Sergeants regarding their performance
• Helps the C/DC facilitate coordination between squadrons
• Trains the First Sergeants
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Squadron Commanders (C/Sqdn CC)

The C/Sqdn CC is responsible for the coordination, control, and direction of the encampment program within their squadron. This includes academic, physical fitness, and general training objectives. The C/Sqdn CCs report to the C/DC.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Evaluates the effectiveness of the training within their squadron
• Supervises their First Sergeant and Flight Commanders
• Ensures staff is properly trained and provides mentorship
• Provides constructive feedback to subordinates
• Is highly proficient in the execution of group-level and squadron-level formations and ceremonies, in accordance with AFMAN 36-2203 and CAPP 60-33
• Provides a channel of communication for feedback, suggestions, and complaints
• Conducts staff meetings with subordinates both before and during encampment to review schedule and mitigate issues
• Motivates staff members
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet First Sergeant (C/1st Sgt)

The C/1st Sgt is responsible for ensuring that the Flight Sergeants in their squadron are familiar with their duties and responsibilities. The C/1st Sgt reports to the C/Sqdn CC and receives advice and guidance from the C/CCM.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Maintains and reinforces the ideals and performance of the NCO
• Conducts drill and ceremonies IAW AFMAN 36-2203 and CAPP 60-33
• Administers the physical fitness program
• Provides feedback to the C/SQN CC regarding the Flight Sergeants' performance
• Provides feedback and mentoring to the Flight Sergeants regarding their performance
• Facilitates coordination between squadrons
• Trains the Flight Sergeants
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Flight Commander (C/Flt CC)

The C/Flt CC is primarily responsible for the implementation of encampment training. The C/Flt CC reports directly to the C/Sqdn CC.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Ensures the health and welfare of their flight: mentally, emotionally, physically, and academically
• Ensures effective use of flight time
• Familiarizes the flight in all operational procedures
• Supervises the training of the flight in drill and ceremonies
• Supervises the training of the flight in customs and courtesies
• Ensures the completion of academic requirements
• Works within their chain of command to mitigate problems that arise with cadets in their flight, documentation is key
• Mentors the Flight Sergeant in conjunction with the First Sergeant
• Evaluates cadets in the flight and the Flight Sergeant
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Flight Sergeant (C/Flt Sgt)

The C/Flt Sgt is directly responsible for the personal implementation of the encampment training program. The C/Flt Sgt reports directly to the C/Flt CC and receives advice and training from the C/1st Sgt.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Assists the C/Flt CC in implementation of flight level academic, physical fitness, and training programs
• Instructs and enforces the SOI
• Ensures the completion of daily training goals as set by the C/Flt CC
• Teaches drill IAW AFMAN 36-2203 and CAPP 60-33
• Ensures proper uniform wear and compliance with CAPR 39-1
• Constantly reinforces new skills
• Works within their chain of command to mitigate problems that arise with cadets in their flight, documentation is key
• Directly trains and supervises element leaders and the guidon bearer
• Provides feedback to the cadets in the flight in conjunction with the C/Flt CC
• Reinforces of drill and ceremonies
• Ensures proper customs and courtesies are utilized
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner


Cadet Administration (Admin)

The Admin OIC is the person responsible for coordinating with the C/XO, the Senior Admin Mentor, and other departments to maintain personnel paperwork, including in-processing and out-processing paperwork for all participants. The Admin OIC reports to the C/XO.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Follows the in-processing plan for all cadets, cadet staff, and seniors
• Prints and delivers all emails after review and approval from Senior Admin Mentor
• Completes all personnel related paperwork
• Maintains files securely
• Coordinates preparation of graduation packets
• Meets with Senior Admin Mentor before encampment to review SOP
• Follows the out-processing plan
• Field checks personnel rosters and ensures encampment program is updated as needed
• Distributes daily reports and feedback forms 
• Meets daily with the C/XO to keep them informed of the status of projects and problems within their staff
• Prints all Encampment Certificates and Honor Certificates
• Prints certificates of appreciation as needed
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Communications (Comm)

The Comm OIC is responsible for intake, setting up, and monitoring all encampment related radio equipment. They provide the rosters and issue items to all staff members. The Comm OIC reports to the C/XO.

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Develops a plan to set up a radio system
• Meets daily with the C/XO
• Meets all encampment communication needs
• Creates and maintains a radio log
• Creates encampment communication plan
• Ensures proper care of loaned equipment and recovery at the end of encampment
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Public Information (PI)

The PI OIC handles all internal publications and external press releases through the Senior XO. The PI will record the events of encampment for sharing with cadets and parents/guardians.  The PI OIC reports to the C/XO.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Takes all flight pictures
• Takes all photos of the activity for social media following the TXWG/MAC activity plan for encampments
• Publishes a newsletter if time allows
• Records and reports on events at encampment
• Creates a slide show for dining in, not to be shared outside of encampment
• Writes an article for the CAP news or Volunteer magazine
• Meets daily with the C/XO
• Monitors and trains all subordinate staff
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Logistics (Log)

The Log OIC is responsible for all logistics needs of the entire encampment. Provides support for all activities related to any school involved in encampment. The Logistics OIC reports directly to the C/XO.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Responsible for loading and unloading the U-Haul
• Inventories all supplies Cadet Programs has and determines if anything needs to be purchased for this encampment based on what Cadet Programs has
• Plans, budgets, and coordinates all supply needs for the encampment
• Meets any immediate and routine supply requests after Senior Executive approval and add to inventory once purchased
• Coordinates with Department OICs, Sqdn CCs, and Instructors to determine needs and wants
• Ensures proper sign out of all issue items in inventory
• Ensures department specific items are distributed to their areas
• Ensures encampment has adequate cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.
• Mentors, trains, and supervises staff
• Meets daily with the C/XO
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Transportation (Transpo)

The Transpo OIC is responsible for ensuring daily inspections are completed to standard prior to usage. All paperwork must be filled out and updated for use during encampment. Vans should be signed into the mission prior to arrival by the driver. All vans should be cleaned and fueled before the end of encampment. The Transpo OIC reports to the C/XO.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Determines how many vans are coming to and staying at encampment before it starts
• Develops a parking plan for vans and POVs at encampment
• Determines who has a CAP drivers license - get this from the registrar
• Ensures all vans are checked in to Transpo upon arrival to encampment with a full tank of gas
• Creates sorties in WMIRS for each van, update them as they are fueled and start new sortie
• Creates relocation sortie in WMIRS for each van before they go home
• Performs the daily inspections of CAP vans using the CAPF 73
• Updates the van paperwork daily with the CAPID of someone who drove it and hours used
• Assigns the HSO a van for the duration of encampment
• Ensures vans are ready to go for scheduled events that require transportation and that drivers have been assigned
• Prior to the last day, washes each van and ensures the interior is clean
• Keeps all CAP van keys in one location for drivers to sign out
• Creates a check in/out procedure for all vans
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Medical (Med)

The Med OIC is there to handle all the routine medical needs, such as bumps, bruises, blisters, coordination of medicine administration, and aid the staff in watching for the health risks common to encampment – heat stroke, dehydration, blisters, etc. They will always yield to people with more skills and qualifications than themselves. They will also assist the Senior Health Services Officers in hospital transport and triage of more serious medical situations. The Med OIC reports directly to the Senior Health Services Officers who report directly to the Encampment Commander.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Plans and distributes all health and safety related information to the staff and cadets
• Keeps a file on each participant with pertinent medical information
• Handles briefings on safety and health related issues
• Keeps records of medical activity
• Keeps a phone list of emergency numbers
• Keeps the medical office manned at all times
• Mentors, trains, and supervises staff
• Meets daily with the C/XO
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Mess (Mess)

The Mess OIC handles preparation and distribution of food for the encampment. They work with the Senior Mess Officer to feed the encampment. The Mess OIC reports to the C/XO.

Duties and responsibilities:
• Discusses the menu for the week of encampment with the Senior Mess Officer
• Plans meal prep times with Senior Mess Officer in conjunction with scheduled meal times
• Preps all food for all meals
• Preps all drinks for the encampment
• Meets daily with the C/XO
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

Cadet Firearms (FA)

The FA OIC works with their Senior Firearms Officer to prepare the cadets and staff to be on the firing line at the encampment.  The FA OIC reports to the C/XO.

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Plans firearms brief for encampment with Senior Firearms Instructor oversight
• Cleans and sites all .22 rifles before the cadets use them
• Cleans all rifles before storage after encampment
• Ensures rifles have trigger locks and case locks daily when not in use
• Helps with safety on the range, must have 1 spotter for every 2 shooters
• Assists Senior Firearms Officer score targets before sending them to admin
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

General Support Staff (GSS)

The GSS gets a taste of everything there is to do on the support side of the house. They fill in at all areas when needed and fill in gaps as needed. They are an integral part of the staff as they see and do just about every job at encampment. The GSS OIC reports to the C/XO.

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Assists in whatever is needed, when it is needed
• Assists logistics in unloading and loading the U-Haul
• Helps set up in-processing and out processing - tables, chairs, cones, tents, etc.
• Helps set up and tear down classroom set ups as needed
• Ensures bathrooms are stocked with toilet paper, paper towels, soap, trash bags, and cleaning supplies daily (not responsible for cleaning them)
• Assists in trash removal from all areas to the dumpsters daily
• Helps mess with food service and clean up as needed
• Ensures that communication flows from the executive level to ALL members of staff in a timely manner

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